The first thing is that - it does not matter if a button is lit (indicating that it is already active), people (at least most people, there are always exceptions) press it again. I mean even inside the elevator, if your floor button is already lit up, they hit it again anyways. Now, I'm not innocent of this. We've all done it. You're in a hurry, you get into an elevator and hit a button without even thinking or realizing it's already lit up. I'm not talking about those people. I mean the people that habitually feel the need to double hit.
I was waiting for the elevator in the 6th floor lobby to go down to the cafeteria. I had already pressed the down arrow button indicating that I need to go down. Then came this another person who looks at me, looks at the elevator and presses the down button if I am totally incompetent of summoning a elevator or re hitting the button will reposition the elevator queue and make it come faster...
Next time somebody does this - I might have to say--"Oh this is so vintage and you have to press the the future where I come from, you have floor sensors which does it for you"
The second thing is that I always seem to meet some high level executive of my company in the elevator and I am never ready with my 30 second speech :( 30 second speech also known as Elevator speech is to put together some very conscise information (me and concise..that in itself is a contradictory things) to your manager or executive about who you are and how you are an asset to the company and group or something to that effect :) So I always end up saying a Lame Hello and shuffling my feet and wishing that the sixth floor comes up quickly and wondering if I should ask the executive about pay increases while I stare at the floor numbers on the elevator display.
:) More Elevator observations to come :) Please feel free to post some of your own observations on this.